Mixing Quote

    In this day and age, with technology, we are able to share files with one another like never before. 

   Do you have vocals that need tuning? Does your bass track need to be tightened to better fit into the groove? Maybe your drums need to be replaced with high-quality samples from our vast library? Anything from a complete musical overhaul to minor final touches can be contracted.

   Founded by Chris Steinmetz, a 30-Year recording industry veteran and Grammy-nominated engineer/producer, StonecutterOnline.com has the experience and state-of-the-art equipment to cater to all levels of musicians, from those just getting their music career underway to major label artists selling thousands of albums worldwide.

In short: We not only have the best gear, but more importantly, the best ears.

Whether you make Hip-Hop or Country, Hard Rock or Jazz, Acoustic or Pop, or anything in between, StonecutterOnline.com can enhance your sound at an affordable price with flexibility to suit your needs.